Ogilvy Eicoff Chicago | Internship
Eicoff Chicago was an internship that lasted Feb. 2021 - June 2021 ( 14 weeks (s). My position was "Production Assistant" and my role was to: Assist with production tasks, create storyboards, create text animations, organize cloud files, and create an official piece of work for the brands' website.

La Beaute Fatale | Internship
La Beaute Fatale is a makeup/cosmetics brand, that brings style and creativity to its users. I was grateful to receive an opportunity to be a part of this brand, during a 10-week internship. My job title was Graphic Design Intern. My responsibilities were the following: Create eye-catching social media promotional posters for the brand, assist the models with photography, and create banners and posters for the company's website.

Designer Care | Package Design
Designer Care is an online delivery subscription service, that packages common creative
materials for artists to receive on a monthly basis. There are many different materials and different brands that the services offer, and they vary with each box. The brand offers packages for painters, illustrators, sketchers, and more. The brand also offers different tiers of service, meaning a user can get higher quality materials if they get a higher tier. For example, tier one may offer colored pencils from a “Crayola”, to be compared to an individual with a higher tier, who may have “Prisma” colored pencils instead. The brand has supplies for everyone and also student discounts.

SeasideSerenity | PackageDesign
Seaside Serenity is a scented candle brand that is themed based on "ocean life". The product allows people to access their inner peace and relaxation, the same feeling they would have at a beach. The ultimate form of relaxation from a remarkable natural scent, using natural products. Nature is the best thing that was given to humanity, and this brand takes full advantage of it. With 100% biodegradable substance and materials; this product was built directly from mother nature’s hands. With every candle there will be a message on the packaging, and a fact about the creature portrayed on the candle. Learning about the beautiful ocean life will help us all understand them better, and help the environment together.

Careers | UI/UX
Careers is an app that helps young college undergraduates get into the work field. Offering tons of internships, grants, special loans and more. The brand specializes in specific jobs that are meant for specific degrees. Helping the user focus all of their time and effort on building their career, wasting minimal amount of resources.

DeliciousOnTheGo | PackageDesign
Delicious on the Go is an online, and app delivery program that allows users to order fresh packaged healthy meal preps. All of the meals are made in the brands establishment, and will be delivered every day of the week. Users can pick how many meals they would want a day. The goal is to help users be able to eat the right meals, without the hassle of preparing it themselves. Eating healthy plays a major role in certain aspects of weight gain or loss. This brand will help eliminate that problem.

Small Creativity | UI/UX
Small Creativity is a social media interface/app that focuses on highlighting
graffiti artists across the globe, and allowing them to share their content. Helping put the small artist on the map, and also helping connect that artist with bigger artists in the graffiti space. Graffiti art is often overlooked because it is so common to see it, and tons of artists don’t get the credit for what they deserve. So, with this brand, there is hope for changing that. Graffiti artists have a bad stigma, being deemed as vandalized art and fake artists. In reality, graffiti art is some of the most difficult art to produce. They deserve to be seen in the same light as other artists.

COVID - 19 Awareness | PosterDesign
The following designs are Poster Design Infographics that target various cases of Covid in particular areas. The goal is to spread awareness of how close, and easy; it is to catch the deadly virus.

Jason Derulo TikTok | Intern
I was honored to take part in a 3-month internship, with music icon and songwriter Jason Derulo. I specialized in creating content for his social media presence, mainly Tik-Tok, and bringing eye-catching creative ideas. From concept, reference, sketches, wireframe, and final output; I was in charge of the complete execution of the digital products.

Michael Mandell @LawByMike | Personal Designer
I have worked on multiple freelance projects and social media content, with Michael Mandell; also known on social media as "LawByMike". Michael Mandell is a personal injury lawyer and a graduate in law from Duke University, who has made a presence online. Michael's content consists of fun and creative ways to teach his audience about laws and certain rights that citizens have. Michael has accumulated over 7 million followers throughout all his social media.